buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title ShopDev - Ecommerce Development Agency style.css header class hero nav div ShopDev class logo div class nav-links a Services href #services a Portfolio href #portfolio a Process href #process a Contact class cta-button href #contact div class hero-content h1 We Build Exceptional Online Stores p Transform your business with custom ecommerce solutions that drive results a Get Started class primary-button href #contact main section id services class services h2 Our Services div class service-grid div class service-card div 🛍️ class service-icon h3 Custom Ecommerce Development p Tailored online stores built for your unique business needs div class service-card div 🔄 class service-icon h3 Platform Migration p Seamless transitions between ecommerce platforms div class service-card div 📱 class service-icon h3 Mobile Commerce p Responsive designs that convert on any device div class service-card div 🔒 class service-icon h3 Security & Performance p Fast, secure, and reliable shopping experiences section id portfolio class portfolio h2 Featured Projects div class portfolio-grid div class portfolio-item img src images/project1.jpg alt Fashion Store Project h3 LuxeFashion p 200% increase in mobile conversions div class portfolio-item img src images/project2.jpg alt Electronics Store h3 TechHub p 150% revenue growth in 6 months div class portfolio-item img src images/project3.jpg alt Beauty Store h3 GlowBeauty p 3x increase in average order value section id process class process h2 Our Process div class timeline div class timeline-item h3 Discovery p Understanding your business goals and requirements div class timeline-item h3 Design p Creating intuitive and conversion-focused interfaces div class timeline-item h3 Development p Building robust and scalable solutions div class timeline-item h3 Launch p Thorough testing and successful deployment section id contact class contact h2 Start Your Project form class contact-form input type text placeholder Your Name required true input type email placeholder Your Email required true textarea placeholder Tell us about your project required true button Send Message type submit class submit-button footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Services href #services a Portfolio href #portfolio a Process href #process p Built with passion by ShopDev script.js